Why Now is the Perfect Time to Get a Dog
My 7-month old pup on a hike in Cornwall, UK.
Doesn’t it seem like everyone you know has gotten a dog during lockdown? Here in the UK puppy demand has risen so sharply, that there’s a legitimate puppy shortage. Full disclosure, I did get a puppy (and became one of those people and made him an Instagram).
To be fair, my husband and I planned to get a dog in the next year, so this was not a decision that came out of the blue. Both of us are still mostly working from home, so it was the perfect time for us to get a dog.
Pet purchases are not to be taken lightly. You are committing to care for another living creature for its entire life, not just during the pandemic. So if you do buy a dog (or any other animal), please buy responsibly.
Ok. Now that that is out of the way - let’s talk about why this is the perfect time to get a dog.
Companionship. Dogs are wonderful company! Zoom calls and socially-distanced meetups where possible leave us wanting more. We are made for contact and if you’re like most people, you’re probably aching for a hug or even a handshake just to have contact with another person. Dogs will fill that affection void, and make for great cuddle buddies.
Exercise. Dogs force you off the couch and outside, puppies especially. Dogs need their daily walk and so do you! Walking obviously burns calories, but it also improves your circulation, boosts your mood, lowers blood sugar, fosters creativity, and more.
Reduce stress. Living in a pandemic (and the current US election cycle) is a surefire way to make your stress levels go through the roof. Your faithful canine companion will help lower that cortisol. Dogs can help reduce loneliness, improve your mood, and even provide feelings of support. Just petting a dog can reduce your blood pressure by elevating dopamine and serotonin levels.
With so many of us struggling in a Groundhog Day come to life, dogs can be the answer. They provide companionship and love at a time when we need that the most. After all, they’re man’s best friend for a reason.